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Kotlin 1.5.31

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@woainikk woainikk released this 20 Sep 08:17
· 2 commits to 1.5.30 since this release




  • KT-48659 JVM / IR: Referential equality returns true for different instances
  • KT-48613 Kotlin/Native fails to compile debug binaries for watchosArm64 target
  • KT-48316 "No value passed for parameter" regression with Java annotation default values with JSR-305
  • KT-48343 Mistake in an error message for uninferred type variable without unrestricted builder inference
  • KT-48543 Native compiler crashes because of bridges for $default stubs
  • KT-48349 OptIn markers are forbidden on local variable / value parameter / property getter only in presence of explicit Target annotation
  • KT-48295 JVM / IR: VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in getfield
  • KT-48551 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Inline class has no primary constructor" caused by inline class from one module and fun interface from another
  • KT-47917 JVM: "UTF8 string too large" caused by a big string
  • KT-48440 JVM IR: Missing checkcast in generated bytecode causes VerifyError in Kotlin 1.5.30
  • KT-48361 INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE is not reported in some positions
  • KT-48267 JVM IR: CCE on callable reference to Array constructor passed to inline function


  • KTIJ-15744 Reopening build.gradle.kts-based project reports MISSING_SCRIPT_BASE_CLASS KotlinBuildScript until re-import
  • KTIJ-19005 JDK 17: "PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9" exception multiple times per second during analysis
  • KTIJ-19504 IDE highlighting: Kotlin plugin 1.5.30 started showing some valid classes from multiplatform libraries as not existing


  • KT-48591 Kotlin/Native: Char.isHighSurrogate and Char.isLowSurrogate return wrong result for macosArm64 and iosArm64 with compiler cache enabled
  • KT-48491 CInterop broke in Kotlin 1.5.30


File Sha256 661111286f3e5ac06aaf3a9403d869d9a96a176b62b141814be626a47249fe9e
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.5.31.tar.gz 636b7e9e54eefa3fa1d284677a8ec2271d0f98b024a8a60127ef20a3badaae03
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.5.31.tar.gz fde7224a8e04a6cd934ecbf55d4d51966f8a0668104f4316a76b3f38062d1ade
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.5.31.tar.gz fbd005e360253e7d7ff1cd78b7cbbe34df0592812676deada6620a53d469d803 11c2e3378ea2e0121e9c3378e58f9813fc5f7850110c0e341739ab514f1379ca